Gym members be careful, watch out for your kidneys !!

Gym members be careful, watch out for your kidneys !!

Physical exercise is good for heart and kidneys both but if you are starting new exercise regimen or belive in Strenuous muscle work out, you need to understand is it safe for you? are you at risk of any health related issues or whether you are already having any not yet diagnosed health related concern.
When considering the gym from a nephrology (study of kidney health) perspective, several factors come into play. Here are 10 points to discuss:

Dont Ignore Bodyache. Kidneys might be in trouble.

  • Hydration Importance:
    • Adequate hydration is crucial for kidney health. Discuss the importance of maintaining proper fluid balance, especially during exercise. Dehydration can contribute to kidney strain.
  • Exercise Intensity and Duration:
    • Intense and prolonged exercise can potentially lead to muscle breakdown and release of myoglobin, which can be harmful to the kidneys. Nephrologists may advise moderation in exercise, especially for individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions.
  • Protein Intake and Kidney Function:
    • High protein intake is a common practice in gyms, but excessive protein can burden the kidneys. Discuss the need for balance in protein consumption, especially for those with compromised kidney function.
  • Supplement Use and Kidney Health:
    • Some supplements, like creatine, are popular in the fitness community. Nephrologists may caution against excessive use of certain supplements, as they can impact kidney function.
  • Blood Pressure Management:
    • Regular exercise can help regulate blood pressure, which is essential for kidney health. On the other hand, some forms of intense exercise may temporarily raise blood pressure, and this needs to be considered, particularly in individuals with hypertension.

Anabolic Steroids – watch out.

  • Medication Considerations:
    • Individuals with kidney conditions may be on specific medications. Discuss the importance of consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise regimen to ensure compatibility with medications. especially like diuretics- medications given to increased the urine output or decreased the swelling or for blood pressure control.
  • Monitoring Kidney Function:
    • Regular kidney function tests may be advised for individuals engaging in strenuous exercise, especially if there are pre-existing kidney concerns. Monitoring can help detect any changes early on.
  • Salt Intake and Fluid Balance:
    • High salt intake can contribute to fluid retention and increased blood pressure. Nephrologists may recommend a balanced approach to salt intake, especially for those at risk of kidney issues.
  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Awareness:
    • Raise awareness about the risk of chronic kidney disease in the population and the importance of exercise in preventing its progression. Encourage regular check-ups for those at risk.
  • Individualized Exercise Plans:
    • Stress the importance of tailoring exercise plans to an individual’s health status, including kidney health. What may be suitable for one person might not be for another, particularly when kidney function is a concern.

It’s crucial for individuals with kidney conditions or concerns to consult with a healthcare professional, preferably a nephrologist, before embarking on a new exercise routine.

Dr. Suhas Mondhe, MBBS, DNB Medicine, DNB Nephrology, DRCPSC, is a consultant nephrologist and transplant physician in Baner, Pune. He specializes in treating complex kidney issues, including hemodialysis, catheter placements, and kidney biopsies, with a caring and patient-centered approach.

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